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THE NEXT LEVEL: Rudimental Snare Drum Techniques Buch

ca. 1-3 Tage ca. 1-3 Tage (Ausland abweichend)
31,95 EUR
inkl. 7% MwSt. zzgl. Versand

Diese Schule richtet sich an fortgeschrittenere Drummer, die ihr Können weiter ausbauen wollen. Zu dem Buch ist eine passende DVD lieferbar.

Infos zum Buch:

The Next Level by Jeff Queen is a comprehensive method book covering all aspects of rudimental drumming, from technique to exercises to solos, from one of the best in the business. Queen's detailed descriptions and pictures of Moeller and velocity strokes, as well as numerous exercises covering diddles, flams, rolls, and hybrid rudiments provide tons of material to hone your skills and work your hands.
The Next Level includes a chapter on how to construct your own rudimental solo, including insight into stick tricks and speed, as well as a copy of Queen's famous solo Tribute. This book is a great tool for any drummer, rudimental, concert, or drum set, to improve their hand technique and control.


Autor: Jeff Queen