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Eine fantastische Zusammenstellung von rudimentalen Übungen geschrieben und gesammelt über Jahre von Dr. John Wooton. Eine DVD wird mitgeliefert - auf der DVD spielt John Wooton viele der Übungen und Etüden. Zusätzlich gibt es jede Menge Extras und Playalong-Tracks auf der DVD, sowie viele Tipps und Hinweise vom Meister selbst. Dieses Buch richtet sich an mittel fortgeschrittene Drummer, die einen Schritt weiter gehen wollen. 


Mehr ​Videos und Ausschnitte gibt´s auf John Wooton´s Youtube-Channel (
HIER klicken)!

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Kommentare zum Buch "RUDIMENTAL REMEDIES":

This is a GREAT BOOK!!! I am really digging it! My kids are loving it, playing along with groove tracks, various tempos...very cool!!! Thanks John!! 
Ed Argenziano

A big part of my learning experience with the drums was in school drum lines and concert bands/orchestras, so I had to have the rudiments down cold. John Wooton is one drummer that I’ve met that just blows me away for two reasons: his command of the drumsticks is phenomenal & he can apply any rudiment in a MUSICAL way in just about any genre of music because of his background as a steel pan maestro. He’s a double threat like me – that’s why I love him. This book/DVD is a must buy!!!! Ricky Sebastian

One word about "Rudimental Remedies"....WOW! I've never had book take me by storm, the way this one has. I think you've 'revolutionized' the way to practice rudiments! Not only are you learning the basic fundamentals of drumming, you're learning other key skills such as listening, reading the music, taking it from "step 1" with starting slow, and last but certainly not least, being introduced to so many styles of music. I have to be honest with you, there were several times when I got so caught up in the groove, that I actually 'flubed' the ex! So it really forces you to listen and how to fit into the different grooves. EXCELLENT training for D-set (if you ask me). I'm going to add it to the list of "must haves" for my students as well as promote it throughout the military "percussive" community. I've also got several former colleagues of mine, ready to buy it! Like I said before, I really think this book revolutionizes the way you practice rudiments. Especially in today's "media madness" world. Practicing with just the nome, gets boring at times and is (at times) hard to sell to young percussionists. Kids love to have headphones on, right? Well, keep em' on, give them some sticks and a pad, and push play!! For guys like me who have been playing for 20+ years, this is book is an ESSENTIAL ELEMENT and a must have. It's made its' way to the top of my SD book list (right next to DRRB). THANKS again for the book and for being innovative in our art. BTW, love the out takes on the DVD! Robert L. Browning, SSgt USAF USAFE BAND/Percussion, Supply

Got John Wooton's new book, Rudimental Remedies. Spent some time with it yesterday in one of the most enjoyable snare drum practice sessions I've had in a long time. Great DVD, great play along tracks! Awesome job, John!  
Aaron Ragsdale University of South Dakota

I for sure may say, I will at least be a good understanding rudimental FAN of all you crazy snare guys. The more I listen and watch those "jokes, gimics" or how it is sometimes referred to, I see just more and more that any good high school boy can play snare drum better than many "European Classical Professors". 
Nebojsa Zivkovic 

Autor: Dr. John Wooton
Inhalt: 25 Übungen zu diversen Techniken und Rudiments mit Playalongs in 7 Tempi